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  • With Eco color Doppler sonic Elastography 5HD, we can detect when a newly appears incipient myoma and abnormalities and premalignant changes, avoiding time their malignant transformation.

  • When fibroids are small incipient or tell them they "must be observed," Unfortunately over time will grow and cause bleeding, pain and infertility and usually they will propose a myomectomy with a possible risk of a hysterectomy.

  • The vast majority of women with fibroids do not want to risk surgery, for fear of complications of the surgery, anesthesia, cut, bleeding or risk losing their reproductive organs that affect their physical health, emotional, mental and sexual or because they hope someday to have cherished children.

  • With our comprehensive methods attack the causes and the ability to grow, or you return to have fibroids or menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, emotional stress, etc.

  • Our protocol enables safe, efficient operation, no pain, no anesthesia, no cuts, no bleeding, is ambulatory and good risk control.

  • The procedure is outpatient, is performed in the day, reducing the volume of the fibroid is seen from the first month, myomas gradually downsize.

Nonsurgical our special program will see the final results at 4 months we have eliminated under 3cms myomas whose volume occupies the entire thickness of the uterine body.

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